Our church’s main missionary effort in evangelism and sharing the gospel message of reconciliation is in the context of abortion.  We believe that the underlying root problem is sin and the hatred of God expressed in the murder of one that bears His image.  It is only the power of the Holy Spirit through the message of the gospel that hearts and minds are changed.  It is with the great commission, making and teaching disciples, that the kingdom of God is expanded and justice established.  Our church applies a four pronged approach to combat the evil of our age, focusing on our trust in the power of the word of God and gospel in particular:  1. Preaching at the abortuaries 2. Street evangelism/cultural engagement 3. Preaching at other churches 4.  Individual interaction with professing believers.

Preaching at the Abortuaries

This is the last line to engage abortive minded parents that plan on murdering their children.  While there we pray for and with the women if given a chance.  We offer physical assistance as well as spiritual.  We plead with them to not murder the child that God blessed them with.  We expose their sin with the light of Christ and preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and the forgiveness and reconciliation that can only be found in Him.  We show them the only true comfort and peace.  This is also, generally speaking, the only place we can engage with the employees.  We also have a venue to share the gospel with our Roman Catholic friends that also need to hear.  We occasionally have passersby that will stop and talk with us.  Recognizing that it is only God that changes hearts, we pray that the abortionists and workers, the parents, and those that are outside interposing for the babies all hear the word of God and are not hardened to it but instead brought to repentance through it.

Street evangelism/cultural engagement

We believe that it is the sin problem of hatred for God in the heart, that ends up with parents killing their children.  Those that hate God love death says the proverbs.  Our culture is just that; it is a culture of death.  The culture attempts to normalize sin, and all of these individual sinful behaviors advocate for the sacrifice of our children.  The only solution to sin is the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and the forgives of our sins and trespasses.   We evangelize on the street to expose sin and call all people to repent and believe.  We seek to address the sins before they lead to such an external expression of hatred that an image bearer is exterminated.  We share the gospel, hand out literature and talk to them about the horrors of abortion and the culture of death that demands child sacrifice.  Rather than cloister ourselves, we engage with culture and its proponents.  We feel that this is the primary battlefield against the evil of our age.  Not wanting to have sin exposed to remain in the darkness, this culture of death also demands that Christians keep their beliefs to themselves for the sake of tolerance.

Preach and teach at other churches

When invited I preach at other churches and give presentations at youth groups specifically on the biblical position of the image of God that we bear and our duty to defend, protect and preserve all image bearers.  I walk through what God says we should think about abortion and the culture that feeds it.  I provide a variety of ways that individuals and churches can be actively involved in their community to shine the light of Christ in the dark culture that hates God and loves death.  The focus is the gospel of Jesus Christ and bringing it into conflict with the world.

Interaction with individual Christians

We meet with individual Christians in our community and at a variety of events where Christians from multiple assemblies gather; Association/Denomination meetings, conferences, Special musical events, Youth functions.  What we have quickly found is the influence of culture on professing Christians.  The vast majority of them that we have talked to about abortion, nearing 90%, do not hold to a consistent biblical position but rather a secular one using Christian terminology.  On a connected issue, even those that held somewhat to a biblical position still bought into the lie and twisting of scripture by the culture and believe that they should not judge, they should keep their “religious opinions” to themselves, and not impose their morality on others.  At these events, we have an opportunity to explain and talk through a consistent biblical position one on one of these professing Christians.    We can encourage and equip them to be the salt and light.  We talk through the biblical doctrine and the implications and application of our modern context.   We do not believe that it is the duty of every Christian to stand in front of an abortuary, or IVF facility proclaiming the gospel, so we help and motivate them to engage the culture where God had placed them.

Church Address: Coleto Baptist Church: 102 Oak Colony Dr, Victoria, TX